how it works

The EFLS strives to approve requests that provide our students with much deserved technology and educational tools, things that allow them to stay competitive in this ever-changing world.

Every item or program purchased begins as a grant request submitted to the EFLS by a teacher, group of teachers, the administration, or a member of the Little Silver Community (the Little Silver Public Library, as an example). The process begins early in the school year when the EFLS Grant Committee announces the online application process has opened.  Grants are then compiled and organized for review and discussion by the EFLS Trustees in January and February. During this review period, the Trustees meet with Mr. Platt, teachers, and our technology administrator to answer any questions that we may have or provide necessary clarification regarding the different grants. Each grant is given a ranking by both its author as well as the administration so that the Trustees can understand the need level. After the EFLS annual fundraising event, the Trustees vote on each grant individually at the May/June meeting. By this time, the EFLS has clear confirmation of how much has been raised and the available funds to use towards the approval of grants. This voting meeting is an open forum where members of the community are encouraged to participate in a dialogue about each request. Once all grants have been discussed and all comments have been heard they are put to an official vote; only EFLS Trustee members with good attendance records participate in the vote. Once the voting has been completed, the EFLS informs the district and community of the approvals. The district then moves forward in purchasing the items for the following school year. The grant process is a thoughtful and ever evolving one, as is the EFLS. The EFLS is an organization dedicated to finding new and creative ways to assist with budget constraints so that our children continue to receive the best resources available to them.



Grant Application Submission Due Date  March 1, 2024



EFLS Trustees Review Grant Applications   On going             *Grants submitted after due date will not be reviewed.



Annual EFLS Fundraising Event    May 10, 2024



Voting on Grant Applications by EFLS Board   May 2024



Applicants will be notified as to whether or not their grant will be funded for the upcoming school year by Summer 2024


how to submit a grant proposal

The grant proposal form should be completed by teachers, staff, administrators, and members of the Little Silver community wishing to submit a grant request to the Education Foundation of Little Silver (EFLS).  Please direct questions or comments to EFLS' Grant Committee at edfoundationoflittlesilver@gmail.com or eflsgrants@gmail.com 



thank you to our 2025 sponsors

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